Saturday, April 25, 2009

Perfect day!

Today has been great! I haven't felt sick all day! Most of the time I just feel yucky on and off though out the day but today has been perfect because I felt normal!!

I have a friend who just made it though her first trimester with out throwing up and I don't understand it!!! I wonder why I cant be like that! And why do they call it morning sickness when you can get sick anytime of the day?!

I remember being sick when i was pregnant with Masen but I don't remember it being this bad! Jeremy doesn't understand why I feel sick and I have to remind him that I'm prego! Silly boys!


  1. Would that friend by any chance be me? ;) Im sorry you're sick :( But it's all worth it right?!

  2. I'm glad the sick part goes away. But I have been starting to get tired alot lately. Sleep is soooo good!
