Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First Ultra Sound :)

Today we had a doctors appointment and we got to hear the heart beat for the first time! I think the doctor said that he had like 160 beats per minute? I'm not sure!

We also got our first ultra sound and found out that the baby is measuring 12 weeks instead of 10 so I think they are moving my due date to Nov 22. That makes Jeremy happy because he is hunting elk like the week after that so now he wont miss his hunt! We asked the ultra sound lady if she could tell if were having a boy or girl and she said it looked like a boy but not to get too jumpy because its still kinda early- I know its a boy! I really don't think were having a girl but we'll see. I already have boys stuff so why not! :) My printer has gone crazy so my scanner won't work but here's a picture of a picture of our baby lol!!

Oh and for mother's day Jeremy got me a new crib since I threw out our old one two days before I found out I was prego!! I love my hubby!!


  1. Amazing isn't it! Hope you're doing ok. Boy or girl...we're excited for you!

  2. Yay!! You got an ultrasound!!! I love seeing my baby, even when she looked like a shrimp haha. I hope you have a boy, lol. I want to be stingy with my girl LOL!!! Either way though Im excited for you!

  3. Ultra sounds are the best! I wish they'd do another one for us! Maybe we'll have to go try the 3D ones so casey can see her again before he leaves! CONGRATS again! Are you starting to show at all yet?
